Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A little known fact...

In case you were unaware, I am a superhero. It's not just that I like wonder woman (and always have), I actually am her...the evidence is in the poster. You know you have made it when they make POSTERS of you.

For me it is like a second job. It is way busier than being an OT, and way more exciting. Wonder woman is always on call. But, hey, that's the life I signed up for when I put on my red boots and blue skirt!

Look out, or I'll lasso you!
(Thanks to Uncle L. for the now infamous poster!!)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Answer

A bezoar is not a mythical creature or a musical instrument. It is actually the intragastric mass. Rat tooth forceps are used to break up the "hair ball," so it can be passed. Cool eh?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


What is the definition of a Bezoar?
1) A large horn type instrument used to call wild boars.
2) A mythical creature, horse-like with fins.
3) An intragastric mass made up of external substances like hair, veggie, and fruit fibers, not unlike a "hair ball."
4) A medical tool also known as a rat tooth forcep.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring is here...

Do you see the difference between living in Arizona and in Edmonton? The picture on the left = bliss. The picture on the right = death by icicle stabbing. Alas, I will not be discouraged. I am treasuring my last visible tan line, and analyzing this years race calender to keep me motivated. The 6 hour enduro race in May is enough to get me on the trainer. Looks like Rowdy Roadie and I will be racing in the same category. I better be on my A game to avoid getting straight armed into the bushes...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

How it came about

I was reading my "what the bleep do we know?" book and came across a little tid-bit that is perfect for this blog. To elaborate on the tag line of this blog:
"When Albert Einstein was a boy, he asked himself 'what happens if I am riding my bicycle at the speed of light, and I switch on my bike light-will it come on?' He nearly drove himself crazy thinking about it for 10 years, but out of that resolute pursuit came the theoroy of relativity."
There you you know

Thursday, March 09, 2006

An insult a day

For my birthday I got an "insult a day" calender from M and T. First thing every morning, I rip off yesterdays insult to view todays. Over the past three months, I have been saving the best ones to read when I need a little pick me up! These are the honourable mentions:
-Yesterday was the first day of the rest of your life and you messed it up again.
-She said she was approaching forty and I couldn't help wondering from what direction.
-I like you. I have no taste, but I like you.
-He got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.
-He's the kind of bore who's here today and here tomorrow.
-She was a mean, tipsy, powerful, rotten-egg lady.
And, my personal favorite:
-It's not your being such a bastard that I object to-it's your being such a stupid bastard.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I'm due at the end of March

Well, it is official, another addition to my small family. At the end of March, Eleanor the 4th will be all mine. I visited her at the shop today and all is well. We are both happy and....well, somewhat healthy...nothing life threatening or anything but...well, iritis is a nuisance.
Anyway, looking forward to my new ride. The legacy of Eleanor continues...

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Looks like this lil' guy just heard my iritis has returned...yeah, I feel that way to!