Home Sweet Home

We spent last week in Tucson, enjoying the Tucson Lifestyle, which is as follows: wake up, eat breakfast, ride, eat again, stretch, shower, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed. Let me tell you, with the epic rides in Tucson, this is about all you WANT to do!!
We met two groups of people in Tucson. The 20 something full-time athlete and the 60 something full time athelete. The 20 somethings are the pro and semi pro racers that are living on pennies and riding their hearts out(right hand side of picture). The 60 somethings are retired men, who have lots of money and lots of time for bikes (beside me). Both are able and willing to kick some Albertan Ass!!

The city of Tucson is the second most bike friendly city in America. The bike culture is infectious, with pretty much everyone out on their bikes. We were excited to see so many pros out training (sometimes even with us), but even more exciting is to see non-pros out riding. There is a man in a white shirt and tilley hat, on a canadian tire special bike, who rides Mount Lemmon EVERYDAY. Now, Mount Lemmon consists of a 26 mile climb. Most people do not make it all the way - we only made it to mile 12. I am not sure how far Tilly hat goes, but regardless - he's a champ in my mind.
KC and I were happy to spend our Tucson time with some fellow Albertans who are living/visiting Tucson. We went to a BBQ, for mexican food, and of course riding.

Anyway, back to the land of cold and snow. I rode my trainer today and was surprisingly pumped about training. Sometimes a trip like our AZ adventure is what you need to remind yourself of why you train so hard. Now I know....