Cam, October 10 1978- June 28 2006

I've been debating if, how, when to blog again. The past 6 (?) weeks has been....well, hell. I don't really know what to write or how to express my sadness. You lose your love and your future and it just doesn't seem appropriate to discuss it on the web. I crave time alone to think, reflect, read, sleep etc. I cannot consiously make sense of what has happened, I just hope our souls are communicating on a level that my higher self can comprehend. That's the thing about soul mates - I guess we know each other better now.
I have been reading a book called "How to Survive the Loss of a Love" by Bloomfield, Colgrove and McWilliams. The poetry in the book is written by Peter McWilliams, I believe. I thought this would be the best place to post one of his poems, to help me extend my appreciation to all the people in my world that have shown me support and love. Thank you.
help me up
my friend.
dust me off.
feed me warmth.
you are comfort.
let me lean on you
until I can stand
I will then stand a little taller,
and you will be
to have a friend
such as me.
Hi Sandy,
I've been meaning to tell you that you should listen to the song:
Float On by: Mighty Mouse
It helped me through a rough patch hopefully you will find it comforting to listen to when you don't know what else to do.
Hi Sandy,
I've been meaning to tell you that you should listen to the song:
Float On by: Mighty Mouse
It helped me through a rough patch hopefully you will find it comforting to listen to when you don't know what else to do.
Sorry - didn't mean to post it twice.
Thanks for blogging again we were missing your posts. I want you to know we're thinking of you everyday!
Mo, Matt and Liam
Hi Sandy
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing...
hey sandy,
stumbled across your blog through bikeblog world, and my heart goes out to you......sending best thoughts and strength from far away. somewhere, somehow, your souls are indeed united.
best, anna
Your sprirt shines the brightest of anyone I know, and therefore, yours will be the easiest to find.
I have always considered myself lucky, and very proud to have a friend such as you.
Love you Sandy
I do not know what to say, other than love you Sandy.
Today will be a better day because of you.
Today, in some way, you will make someone's life easier.
Your smile will help someone find theirs.
Your concern will remind someone they are loved.
Yours words will lift someone up or steer them in the right direction.
Today, when people count their blessings, one of them will be you!
I am such an idiot - the bands name is Modest Mouse not Mighty Mouse.
Sorry - you must of thought I was crazy!
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