Friday, April 21, 2006

The adjustment period

Well, so far so good. Cam and I are enjoying living together and we are learning each others quirks...actually,more like I am learning the quirks of the House (not house-"H"ouse).
Living with someone makes you realize how habitual your really are. For example, I never secure lids tightly on jugs, which Cam realized when he went to shake the OJ. From across the room I saw the spill in slow motion and thought "oops, shit" but then said "Cam! What did you do?" Well, we both knew instantly what really happened.
Then, I shoved the usual suspects down the drain after doing dishes, like lettuce and crumbs etc not realizing that it backs up the basement sink. When Cam asked me if I had shoved anything down the drain, my sly lie about only a little coffee grounds was foiled...the evidence was in the sink!
Then, there was breaking the washing machine...I didn't know that it always has to be on 'Heavy.' OK, I did, but I was only doing a small load....
Then, the fire alarm. There I was, innocently cooking when the fire alarm goes off. We (OK, I)had put it on the top of the cupboards above the stove when we were organizing the kitchen. It is actually NOT kept in the kitchen normally for reasons related to its sensitivity. Anyway, it is blaring and I had to climb on a chair, then onto the stove to get the *(&(*^^%ing thing down. How safe is that? and to think that I tell seniors when they are not safe to cook anymore! Now I have put it back where Cam normally keeps it...where it stays quiet!
Well, off to Lethbridge this weekend to wreck Janka's parent's house while I'm at it!!
...Oh yeah and to kick some ass...hopefully.


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